Legal Notice

Website editor

21 Rue Paul Journée – ZA du Moulin d’Angean – 60240 Chaumont-en-Vexin –  France
Tél : +33(0)
Fax : +33(0)

RACLOT Industries S.A.S.  au capital de 745 300 Euros
RCS Beauvais – Siret 487 606 865 00037 – APE 2219Z
TVA FR79 487 606 865

Terms of usage

The website is accessible through the following url : and is exploited with respects to the French legislation. Using the website is governed by the present general terms. By using this website, you acknowledge having read and accepted the general conditions. These conditions can be changed without notice at any given by the company RACLOT.
RACLOT cannot be held accountable for any faulty usage of the service.

Editorial Manager

Guy De Bruille
Tél : +33(0)
Fax : +33(0)

Limitation of liability

Information contained in this website are as precise as possible and periodically updated but may contain inexactitudes, omissions or gaps. If you note inexactitudes, omissions, gaps or dysfunctionalities, please signal thses per email by describing the problem as accurately as possible (which page, what action results, what type of computer you are using, which browser you are using,…).

Any content downloaded is done so at the user’s risk and is his sole responsibility. By consequence, Raclot cannot be held responsible for any damages incurred to the user, his computer or any loss of data following a download.

The pictures are non-contractual.

The picture of the transportation cabin on the homepage and and the “People and goods transportation vehicles” website is property of SIGMA Composite.


The present conditions are governed by french laws and any contestation or dispute that could arise from their interpretation or the execution of these conditions will be assessed by the exclusive competency of the courts of which RACLOT Industries depends. The language of reference, for the resolving of any dispute or litigation, is French. The English version of these conditions are a translation from the French version, and in any case of dispute, the French version shall prevail.


Your personal data are confidential and shall not be communicated to a third party under any circumstances, except for the proper execution of our performance.

Intellectual property

The content of this site, including but not limited to, graphics, images, texts, videos, animation, sounds, logos, gifs and thumbnails as well as their formatting are exclusive property of Raclot Industries with exception to the logos, trademarks or contents belonging to partner companies or authors.

Any reproduction, distribution, modification, adaptation, retransmission or publication, in parts or in total of the various elements without Raclot Industries consent. A reproduction or representation, by any process that it may be, is a counterfeit and will be sanctioned by the articles L.3335-2 and following of the intellectual property Code. The non-respect of this interdiction constitutes a counterfeit that can lead to public or penal liability of the counterfeiter. In addition, owners of the copied contents could intend juridical action against the perpetrator.

Users or visitors to the website can implement an hyperlink pointing towards this website, but only towards the homepage, accessible via the following url :, with conditions that the link opens in a new tab or page. In particular, a link toward any other page (“deep link”) is forbidden, as well as the opening of this website into a frame (“framing”), except with RACLOT consent agreed before the link is put in place.

For all authorization demands or information, please contact us via email. Specific conditions are intended for the press.



Terms of service

This site is proposed in HTML5 and CSS3 languages, for a better comfort of utilisation and a better graphical design, we recomment that you navigate our website with the most up-to-date browsers: Safari, Firefox, Chrome,…

Information and exlusion

Raclot is using all the tools it possesses, to insure reliable and up-to-date information on its website. Nevertheless, some errors or mistakes may occur. The visitor must therefore validate the exactitude of the information with RACLOT and signal all modification required to the website. RACLOT is not responsible for the usage of the information et of all prejudice that may occur from the usage of its information


For statistics and display needs, the present site uses cookies. Cookies are small text documents stocked on your hard drive in order to collect the technical data of your navigation. Some parts of this website cannot function without your acceptance of the cookies.


RACLOT’s website can contain links towards other websites or other available resources on the internet.

RACLOT has no means of controlling the websites in connection with its websites. RACLOT does not take the responsibility of external sites or sources and shall not be warrant for them. RACLOT can not be held accountable for any liability or damages, whichever they are in nature, resulting from contents or external sources, especially information, products or services they offer, or any usage made of these elements. Risks linked to that utilisation of external sites or sources are fully to the responsibility of the visitor, that needs to comply to their terms of use.

Users, subscribers and visitors of the RACLOT websites cannot create an hyperlink towards RACLOTS website without having the consent of RACLOT first.

In the hypothesis , that an user or visitor should want to put in place an hyperlink pointing to one of the websites of RACLOT, he or she will be responsible for sending an email to propoery word his or her demand of the putting in place of an hyperlink. It is to RACLOT’s discretion to accept or refuse the demand for an hyperlink without having to give any sort of explanation.


In addition, the sending towards another website to complete or validate an inforamtion searched does not mean that RACLOT accepts or acknowledges any responsibility of the content or the usage of that or these websites.

User precaution

It is therefore your responsibility to use the proper and necessary precaution to insure that whatever you use does not contain mistakes or elements of destroying nature, such as, but not limited to, viruses, trojan horses, …