Our company RACLOT INDUSTRIES would like to thank all the companies that intervened and who contributed to the rapid recovery of our activity as well as all the loyal customers following the fire we suffered on September 9th last.
We have indeed recovered all of our manufacturing capacities and are working hard to make up for the delays.
We are happy to announce that our workshops are back in operation. The reconstruction of our factory will take longer but is well under way.
A big thank you to :
ALFYMA (https://www.alfyma-recycling.com/), ARIV (www.ariv.maintenance.com), ATB (www.atbmaintenance.co.uk), AVITECH (https://www.avitech-alarmes.fr/), BELFORT (www.belfor.com/fr/), CIBOR (http://www.cibor.fr), CTNO, CMM ( www.cmm-gisors-chaudronnerie.fr), DETERMINANT (https://www.determinant.fr/), DMG (www.dmg-gmbh.de/), JIB (www.jib.fr), GALTIER ( https://www.expertises-galtier.fr/), GENERALI ( https://www.generali.fr/), HORUS (www.horus-entreprises.com), JMA PROPRETE, JOOS ( www.joos.de), NILFISK (https://new.nilfisk.com/fr-fr/) , PARFLAM ( www.savprogroupe.fr), SEDILLE and to all companies we may have forgothen.
Photo : The arrival of our repaired press